Revenue Cycle Management in Houston - Patriotmedbill


Effective Revenue Cycle Management in Houston - Patriotmedbill

When the whole world was struck by COVID-19, leaving most people in turmoil, Healthcare industries also faced the same confusion. Health practices big and small are now trying to develop support. Patients stay home in large numbers, as they were scared to step out among the masses. It is not surprising considering how fearful people are of the virus lingering tat public places. Many don't want to go out, canceling appointments, tests, and essential procedures that they really should be keeping, simply because they were scared of getting infected.
In light of the recent shifts in the economic environment and the economy, it is crucial to be more attentive to the financial stability of your business. Don't let a soaring economy put your business at risk when there are many hurdles to conquer.
The efficiency of a healthcare practice's billing operations significantly impacts its financial performance. Though you may be of the misconception that you already have your billing process under control, you must realize that billing is only one component of the revenue cycle management.
Patriotmedbill has accumulated experience handling specialties of all kinds while consciously providing cost containment using cutting-edge technology. Our end-to-end services focus on the entire revenue cycle, including checking the demographics to billing and reporting. 
Medical Revenue Cycle Management in Houston is essential to any hospital or clinic. They help monitor revenue capture billing and deal with the entire revenue cycle. You can vest the responsibility to your internal staff or any third-party vendors as Patriotmedbill to help with your day-to-day operations. Acquiring this consulting can validate your work and enable you to be appropriately compensated for this service. Our Revenue Cycle Management Houston solutions help improve patient satisfaction by efficiently managing insurance claims. 
Want to know how Patriotmedbill can help your facility with varied medical revenue services in Houston? 
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Revenue Cycle Management Vs. Medical Billing Services 
Revenue cycle management is vital to the success of any healthcare institution. An effective Revenue Cycle Management solution in Houston must include all the medical billing components, and it is far more than the payment posting process. Most healthcare facilities and professionals use Revenue Cycle Management solutions in Houston to evaluate, track, and effectively complete the status of patient claims. At the same time, medical billing services involve deferring claims for services rendered. 
Revenue Cycle Management Houston includes more processes than we deal with billing services. It comprises numerous financial dealings that happen between patients and healthcare providers. 
Patriotmedbill’s Revenue Cycle Management in Houston encompass :

  • Patient Registration

  • Identifying and Entering Patient Information Required for Billing - Including using CPT and ICD-9 codes

  • Medical Coding

  • Medical Billing

  • Eligibility Verification

  • Claims Authentication Check

  • Claims Generation

  • Claims Submission

  • A/R Collections

  • Charge Entry and Payment Posting

  • Charge Capture and Coding

  • Insurance Follow-Up

  • Denial Management

  • Patient Follow-up

  • Reporting

  • Credit Balances

  • Provider Enrollment and Credentialing

As you see, Revenue Cycle Management in Houston is a complex interconnected process. If you don't provide this service, then there is nothing else you can offer patients. The Revenue Cycle Management tasks start as soon as a patient makes an appointment with your facility. 
Your team member is then required to call the insurance company to confirm the eligibility and status of the individual. Then, the staff member will clarify the patient's responsibility to pay charges. Why waste your precious time working on Revenue Cycle Management when you need to strengthen your business?
A simple fault in verifying a patient's coverage could lead to catastrophic problems in the future. In this case, you realize the insurance company doesn't have authorization for an operation. A solid RCM configuration can help you stay clear of such issues. In addition, it will improve the cash flow within your company. Patriotmedbill's RCM software is perfect to bind all the financial information while paying the claims on time.
Best Medical Billing, Coding, and Collections Services in Houston

  • Medical Billing Services

Patriotmedbill's Medical billing services make it easy for your facility to carry out day-to-day tasks without having to recruit, train or pay for additional employees. 

  • Medical Coding Services

Our team of dedicated medical coders reviews the records of outpatients and inpatients to ensure that diagnoses coded follow the stringent guidelines of CPT ICD-10, HCPCS, and DRG.

  •  Home Health

We create custom business solutions designed for Home Health and Hospice providers struggling with improving turnaround time and documentation for clinical accuracy. 

  • A/R Follow-Up

We help maximize the recovery process by coordinating with denied or old claims through timely filing and calculating the dollar amount.  

  • Patient Eligibility

Patriotmedbill takes on the task of gathering information on the patient's eligibility before receiving medical treatment. We can quickly collect dates of coverage, copay, and deductible details.

  • Risk Adjustment

We have a knack for improving risk adjustment scores through decreasing costs and enhancing the quality of medical care.
Why Choose Patriotmedbill for Revenue Cycle Management in Houston?
Patriotmedbill's competitive advantage lies in the unique services we offer and our focus on medical billing, coding, and collections, as well as the commitment to collect every outstanding penny of your business. 

  • Teams of experts in revenue cycle management cut the cost of collecting. 

  • Efficient operations management. 

  • We offer enhanced revenue performance.

  • 24/7 revenue cycle management support.

  • Reduce bad debt and speed up receivables collection.

  • Find new revenue streams, with a seamless transition towards risk-based payment models. 

  • We handle the complexity of audits on claims through every level of appeals to Medicare, Medicaid, and other insurance companies.

  • Our experts in revenue cycle analysis analyze and minimize the impact of future changes on revenue streams.

  • Experience in dealing with primary as well as secondary Medicare billing.

 Sensible Revenue Cycle Management Solutions! No Revenue Cycle Leakage!

 Looking for Revenue Cycle Management Solutions in Houston? Let's Talk!